An exegesis is
defined as a detailed explanation of a piece of writing, usually in terms of
religious writings. In this case the exegesis is about my web pressence that I
have created as my web presence. Web presence or digital footprint is the act
of leaving a trail in the digital environment either in the form of a blog, forum posts, website contribution, social networking profile or Email (Your Internet Footprint., n.d.). I chose to blog about photography by using a blog on Blogspot as the
core of the web presence. Photography is something I enjoy very much and it
made it easier for me to create my web presence by blogging about work I’ve
done. I’ve named my blog, Take A Picture, It’ll Last Longer. I will explain a
bit more about the origins of the title later. The blog is basically about photographs
that I’ve taken over the years and which I would post one a day, everyday. The blog
is linked to a twitter page which tweets updates of the blog such as recent
posts and also to a Flickr account which the photos can be found. In the rest
of the exegesis I will explain a bit more about the beginnings of the blog,
changes I have made, and the nodes that were used in association with the core
In the
beginning of this project, the blog was supposed to be about one picture
uploaded a day everyday. In the posts, the photo will be accompanied by
information such as, the camera used to photograph the picture as well as the
date the photo was taken. There will also be a brief description about the
photograph such as the reason why I took it, the history or the background of
the photograph or even the settings that I’ve used to shoot the photograph. The
title of the blog is called Take A Picture, It’ll Last Longer. The reason I
gave the blog this name is because, the saying of “Why don’t you take a picture,
it’ll last longer.” is often associated with sarcasm. However, the terminology
of the term that a picture does indeed last longer than the event itself. So I
decided to name the blog after it’s terminology rather than it’s sarcastic
purporse. The layout in the beginning was really simple, The title at the top
of the page, a sidebar on the left containing the About Me sidebar as well as
the Twitter and Flickr ink right below the About Me sidebar. The background
design was a simple image provided by the Blogspot template designer which was
an image in sepia colour of a man behind a Digital single-lens reflex (DSLR)
camera. The colour and the fonts were basic colours such as black and white as
based on the template provided by Blogspot itself. All of the features
mentioned such as the origin of the name and the design of the blog were the
original format of which the blog was created in.
Since the
beginnings of the project, several major changes were made to the blog. The
first would be the change in objective. The blog no longer uploads one
photograph a day, everyday. Instead, I upload a set of photographs or a single
photograph a day, everyday. This means that each post no longer contains only
one photograph but may contain a set of photographs all taken on the same date.
The design of the blog has changed as well. The background picture is no longer
the image of a man holding a DSLR in sepia. I changed the background image to
an image of a white compact camera on a white background to give the blog a cleaner
and tidier look. The layout of the blog has drastically changed from the
original simple layout. At the top of the page is the blog title. Slightly
under the blog title is a small tool bar where a Home button is located which
makes it easier to navigate back and forth from the blog. On the left side of
the page, a sidebar is located and another similar one is located on the right
of the page. In between these sidebars are where the posts are located. The
left sidebar consist of the About Me page, blog archive and related photography
site. The right sidebar consists of networks, which consist of the Facebook
page, Twitter Page and Flickr page for Take A Picture, It’ll Last Longer. Right
below that is the Twitter updates box where live feeds from the Twitter account
can be found. The Flickr Photostream is below the Twitter Updates box where
many of the pictures that were posted on the blog can be found. The sidebar on
the right helps viewers to navigate easier between the Blog, Twitter page,
Flickr page as well as the Facebook page.
The final
product is the current blog you see. I’ve decided to connect it with three
nodes besides the core blog. The first was a Flickr account. Flickr is a photo
and video sharing website where people can upload and share pictures and videos
for the public to see (Flickr, n.d.). Because my blog is based on photography, Flickr would be
a great way to share the photographs I post on my blog on the Internet as
Flickr is more popular among photographers than blogs. Another node that I’ve
used to connect the blog with is a Twitter account. Twitter is a real time information network or also known as a social
networking site (Twitter, n.d.). By connecting the blog with twitter, it would be easier to
share the blog among other Twitter users through retweets. The third and final
node outside of the core blog is a Facebook like page. By creating a Facebook
like page, it would be easier to share the contents of the blog with other
Facebook users just like sharing through twitter. By connecting the core blog
with these other external nodes, it creates a larger digital footprint on the
In conclusion,
this web presence is supposed to be a digital footprint left by me. By using
all the nodes I hope to create a well integrated web presence which would
enable users to distinguish this blog from others.
Flickr. (n.d.) About Flickr. Retrieved from:
Module 3 Introduction - Your Internet Footprint. (n.d.) Retrieved from:
Twitter. (n.d.) About Twitter. Retrieved from:
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