Tuesday, 21 February 2012

A Day At The Range

Camera Used: iPhone 4S
Date Taken: 10/ 02/ 12

I love shooting photographs. Since I was very young I was exposed to photography and cameras. I had my first camera at the age of 9 and i've not stopped since then. However, shooting photographs was not the only hobby I had. I first picked up firearm shooting at the age of 16. I was brought to the range on my 16th Birthday as a present from my uncle. I fired my first pistol and rifle that day. From that day onwards I picked it up as a hobby. Whenever I had the time, usually weekends, i'd head to the range to shoot. I also developed an interest into firearms, up to a point that I can recognize the model and caliber.

So, this was the first time in 2012 I've actually visited a range. the 3rd in 3 years. When I flew down to Perth to pursue my studies, I had little or no time to hit the ranges. Other than that it was relatively more expensive here for me to shoot cause of the currency difference. So, in the past 3 years, I've been to the range 3 times, which makes it once a year. So my first time back behind a firearm in more than a year was pretty horrible. All my rounds were either spread wide or missing the target at 6m. There were 2 reasons to this. Number 1: I've not shot in more than a year. Number 2: The handgun I was shooting was something I've never handled before.
What i'm firing on this day was the Smith & Wesson M&P9 made in the US. Smith & Wesson was famous for their revolvers and M1911 style handguns. The M&P9 was a whole new type of handgun introduced to their handgun family. It had no external hammer just like a Glock type handgun. it fires the 9x19mm cartridge and is used by many Police forces around the world, including the Malaysian Prison Department. South Australian and Victorian Police use a similar model chambered in the .40 S&W round which has a harder hitting round than the 9x19mm.
So after 10 rounds (one full magazine), I got used to the mechanics and recoil of the gun. From that point onwards every round hit it's mark. In some of the pictures you taken on my iPhone (cause i didn't have a compact camera small enough to fit in my pocket and I didn't want to bring a DSLR), you can actually see the muzzle flashes after the bullet is fired. On this picture on the left, you can clearly see the brass (bullet casing in firearm lingo) kicking out of the gun. The raw pictures that were taken were a bit grainy and I had to fix them up with iPhoto.

60 rounds and 45 minutes later, we were done (I forgot to mention I brought a friend who had never fired a gun before in his life). The final picture shows all of my spent brass that i've picked up and put back in the container (it's a habit I picked up at the range so it's easier to clean and recycle them). So thats the end of this series of photographs. Enjoy.

Friday, 3 February 2012

DIY Single Point Strap

Camera Used: iPhone 4S
Date Taken: 04/ 02/ 12

New post! After the success of this web presence, i've decided to keep it a little longer. So, today we have a photograph put together with an app on my iPhone 4S. The app is called Pic Collage, and it's pretty self explanatory. You would use it to create collages of your pictures on your iPhone. So as you can see, I'm no pro at using this app. I had a tough time trying to match the pictures up. Basically, what I've done with my Canon PowerShot SX20 IS, in the photos is I took the original dual point strap off, and made it into a single point strap. The app basically helped me show a collage of what I did. Just one of hundreds of useful photography apps available from the app store.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Best of CHOGM Day 3

Camera Used: Nikon D80
Date Taken: 30/ 10/ 2011
Best of CHOGM Day 3

Just one of the 2 photographs I took of a female Police officer shaking hands with a little girl.

A police officer walks his patrol route during the final day of CHOGM in the city.

Whats left at the Occupy Perth site in the City.

Police still standing guard on Adelaide Terrace even as the road is open to public vehicles.

A photographer just prowling the streets as I was, hoping to capture some good shots.

Best of CHOGM Day 2/ Big Aussie BBQ

Camera Used: Nikon D80
Date Taken: 29/ 10/ 2011
Best of CHOGM Day 2 and the Big Aussie BBQ.

A police officer from New South Wales helps an elderly lady get to her destination safely.

Mounted police units providing security for the Big Aussie BBQ where Western Australians would get a chance to see the Queen of England for the first time in many years.

Police officers directing diplomatic traffic for CHOGM as well as the public who were attending the Big Aussie BBQ.

I got jealous of this guy's telephoto lens on his Canon... So I decided to take a picture of him.

Awaiting for the arrival of the Queen. The large screens covered her entire journey from her residence in Perth to the event site at the Esplanade.

Her Majesty giving her speech to West Australians.

A man holds up the Union Jack in clear view of the Queen. This was as far as my camera could zoom. How I wish I had that telephoto lens just like the one the guy in the other picture had =(

After the event, police directing traffic towards the city.

Best of CHOGM Day 1

Camera Used: Nikon D80
Date Taken: 28/ 10/ 2011

Police officer watching over a group of protesters during the Occupy Perth rally on the first day of CHOGM.

A Photojournalist hanging around the Occupy Perth site waiting for a moment to capture.

Fellow photographer/student Nic Shields on site during the first day of CHOGM.

A very tired participant of the Occupy Perth rally takes a rest on a bench in the City.

A masked participant looks on as an organizer of the Occupy Perth rally prepares to give a speech.

A participant of the Occupy Perth rally explains to a bystander their cause.

Police officers help a cyclist repair his bike in the city. Police officers from around Australia were deployed to Perth during the entire length of CHOGM.

TSWA Ultimate Frisbee photos.

Camera Used: Nikon D80
Date Taken: 15/ 04/ 2011

Just a couple more Frisbee photographs from TSWA Ultimate Frisbee tournament held in Curtin Stadium. GO TEAM CURTIN!

Curtin vs UWA
Curtin vs ECU 
Curtin vs Murdoch
Curtin vs Notre Dame


Date Taken: 08/ 01/ 2012
Camera Used: iPhone 4S

Instagram is a very creative application for iPhone users. The application allows users to take a photo with their iPhone, edit them with different effects and post them onto Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. You don't need to be a professional photo editor to use this application. All you need is a steady picture and some creativity (almost forgot to mention you also need an iPhone to use it). Here are some pictures I took during the filming of my SPRA111 drama.